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Spring 2013

After a long process and very hard work, we are proud to announce that Bloomsburg University Club Fastpitch Softball is now an official club sport at Bloomsburg University.  We worked hard to form a Club Fastpitch Softball at Bloomsburg University for the following reasons: to establish a competitive team for students wanting to play fast-pitch at a competitive level, to allow athletes to compete against other colleges with club softball, to allow students the ability to pursue the sport they enjoy playing at a lesser level than the school team, to provide progressive developmental opportunities for interested beginners, to enhance students social experiences, to allow students the opportunity to meet new people and cooperate together to achieve a common goal.  This semester we will be playing other college club teams and next semester we are hoping to join the NCSA (National Club Softball Association).
For questions about sponsors, playing, or the team in general
Please Contact:
Brittany Mohl​


*MSGA(Mechanicsburg Girl's Softball Association)    *Pace Construction Managers   *Lucky's Corner Deli & Kielbasi Shop   *Anthony & Debb Blaschak​   *Dr. Paoli & Dr. Hanyon



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